*Insert sing song tune*
Thats right good people, today is the day I get to go HOME:) Good ol' Amarillo... The smell of Herford in the air, the 3:30 traffic on Western... yup thats Amarillo for ya. But its my home, and ive always loved it:) My grandpa is coming to get us this morning in his plane, and we shall adventure back on the one and a half hour flight back to Amarillo. I've always been a little scared of his plane because its smaller than the normal "commercial" airplane, but my Pop is a good pilot and he flies all the time, so im not SUPER worried about it... just give me a barf bag and i'll be good:)
I'm mainly excited to be sleeping in my own bed... as comfortable as these hospital beds are, its hard to sleep when you have nurses coming in every so many hours checking your blood pressure, giving you shots, flushing your IV, checking your temperature, checking your oxygen rate (or whatever its called)... needless to say its not easy to get much sleep. I guess if some random peril of the body were to attack me, they would know in a heart beat of a second, so it must be good for some reason... BUT WHY does it have to intervene with my precious sleep? Oh well, i'll be outta here soon, so no more of that:)
I'm thinking I can probably go back to work next week, which I am happy about. I am not a person to just sit at home and watch TV all day long. NOOOOOOO. I need to be up and doing something, so why not make some money while i'm at it?:) I love my job, and I love the people I work with, so it will be nice to get back in the swing of things.
Me and my parents also talked about me taking some online classes next semester, since I will be having my 3rd surgery around the time school will start back up again. I wont be able to "go to classes" physically very well, so online kind of solves all our problems. I will take them through AC, since its much cheeper than WT, and i'm hoping to take some in the summer as well, that way when fall rolls around i'll be at the same level as everyone that I graduated with... I just kinda got a late start. School makes me so excited, because i'm ready to make new friends and have new adventures... oh and study of corse;) But mainly, as you all know, i'm just ready to be normal. My time will come...
My adventures with my new iliostomy bag have been... interesting to say the least. In the sum of things, I LOVE MY BAG... but I also hate how it cant be hidden very well. I know this battle is almost over, and I know its only for a few months, but still... being a girl we want to be pretty all the time, even when we first open our lovely crusted eyes in the mornings, and yawn or precious morning breath mouths, we girls long to be pretty... and this bag does not make me feel pretty. Its much different to sit on the pot and go to restroom, than to SEE your... *achhemm*... stool in a bag, and have to empty it out when it gets full. Its gross, and smelly, and its always there reminding you that your not normal. Only 2 more surgeries to go and I shall succeed NORMALCY! Praise God, Praise God, Praise GOD:)
So as of right now, we are waiting on the doctor to release his discharge papers or whatever for me. And as I sit here and type this all out, I am just so very thankful for the knowledge that God has given these great men who took the disease out of my body. I am a new person... literally;) It kind of reminds me of how God took all of our sins on the cross that day, and gave us the choice of everlasting life with Him... if He wouldn't have done all that, we would all be "sick" with our sins, and be doomed to a life in hell where we all deserve to go. He is our healer, in many different ways than just the physical, and I am so very grateful for it. So lets remember that today, and set our minds on a praising heart towards Him. Even if its just a little "thank you", He deserves to be recognized and appreciated for all He has done.
As for me, well, i'm probably the most thankful kid on the block:)
I cant wait to see you all! Please pray for safe travels as we head back... and thank you again for all of the prayers and support for me and my family this past week. Your prayers were answered:)
Hugs and lots of Kisses!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Monday, November 12, 2012
Can I just say... I am SO READY to go home. Hospital beds are not the most comfortable things on the planet, and unfortunately I didn't have the best nurse last night. But, I awoke to two great nurses today, so they are making up for the bad one last night:) One of my most favorite nurses was Shantae. She would come in and laugh with me, and hang out while my parents were at lunch. We would talk about hair or nails or anything girly. But one of the main reasons I loved Shantae, is because she loved her job. A lot of these nurses don't like coming to work, and that reflects off them when they handle their patients. God bless sweet Shantae:) She was an angel.
So today has been SUPER low key, and quite boring. I went on a few walks, watched some Fairly Odd Parents, slept way too much, and dwittled on the computer... yes, I said dwittled:) We just talked to my doctor, and he is predicting that I can go home Wednesday. Tomorrow they will cut me off all IV pain meds, and I will be on strictly oral meds. My stoma and tummy muscles have been pretty sore today, because of the lack of morphine and IV pain meds, so pray that my body will get used to my new lifestyle for the next few months.
One thing I would also like some prayer for is for my self esteem. I was watching a stupid gymnastic show today, and Satan was having a glorious time pointing out to me that my stomach will never be the same again. Im so thankful that the style right now is baggy shirts and tight pants, because that will hide my stoma and bag so well... But its hard to know that I cant wear a pretty dress for a while, or even a normal t-shirt, without looking like I have a tumor or a baby on one side of my belly. As much as I am so thankful for my procedure and this bag, I am having a hard time getting used to it, and getting used to my body again. I gotta keep remembering, its more about whats on the inside that counts...
Well, I'm signing off for today. I love you all sweet friends, and I cant wait to see each one of you.
Hugs and Blessings <3
Can I just say... I am SO READY to go home. Hospital beds are not the most comfortable things on the planet, and unfortunately I didn't have the best nurse last night. But, I awoke to two great nurses today, so they are making up for the bad one last night:) One of my most favorite nurses was Shantae. She would come in and laugh with me, and hang out while my parents were at lunch. We would talk about hair or nails or anything girly. But one of the main reasons I loved Shantae, is because she loved her job. A lot of these nurses don't like coming to work, and that reflects off them when they handle their patients. God bless sweet Shantae:) She was an angel.
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Me and sweet nurse Shantae... Isn't she beautiful:) |
One thing I would also like some prayer for is for my self esteem. I was watching a stupid gymnastic show today, and Satan was having a glorious time pointing out to me that my stomach will never be the same again. Im so thankful that the style right now is baggy shirts and tight pants, because that will hide my stoma and bag so well... But its hard to know that I cant wear a pretty dress for a while, or even a normal t-shirt, without looking like I have a tumor or a baby on one side of my belly. As much as I am so thankful for my procedure and this bag, I am having a hard time getting used to it, and getting used to my body again. I gotta keep remembering, its more about whats on the inside that counts...
Well, I'm signing off for today. I love you all sweet friends, and I cant wait to see each one of you.
Hugs and Blessings <3
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Today is a good Day:)
Well hello friends:)
Thank you again for all of your prayers. Im recovering so well, and im so thankful to have friends who care and will war for me when im not strong enough to do it by myself. Our prayers now is that I can be out of here as soon as possible, we are hoping for Tuesday. We dont know when my next surgery will be (we are thinking somewhere around December 15th'ish?), but i would like to start recovering at home, and preparing for my next surgery. The next one will be the biggest out of all the surgeries, but i'll save that explanation for another time. I love you all, and I cant wait to be back in Amarillo!
Today has been a fun day already, and its not even over yet! I slept pretty good last night, and the doctors and nurses were so sweet to let me sleep in without bothering me until 10:30 this morning. I ordered some yummy french toast and a "sunrise sandwich" for breakfast (doesn't the name of that sunrise sandwich just make your heart happy?:P), and watched my church LIVE online! It was such a God thing because I was sitting there eating my breakfast, chatting with my dad, and I looked up to view the time and it was 10:55, I was like "dad, we can watch church!". That was such a fun and amazing experience to be able to "attend" church while I'm laying in my hospital bed. Jesus still hears us worshipin' in our lonely places!
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Weston keeping me warm and safe |
Unwillingly, I went for a long walk around the hospital. I didn't feel like going on a walk because i barely had any clothes on (i had my hospital gown but its super thin and you just feel BARE with it on), and my hair was greasy and gross, and i smelt bad, and I for sure didn't look like a beauty queen, but I did it anyway with the force of my parents... thanks mom and dad:) On my walk, I found my family waiting in the little waiting room down the hall. We took pictures and I was able to just be myself with them, laughing and playing, and kissing on baby Jett:) It was so fun. My aunt Shan and uncle Tyson left around noon, and it was sad to see them go. Then I got a surprise! My sweet friend and mentor Lauren Paris came to see me!! She was in town to see her friend, who has a baby in the Hospital here in Dallas (im praying for you Shaina!). It was good to visit and have "girl talk" with her in person... I love my sweet Lauren:)
Once they left, It was "lets get Kay Kay clean!" time. Jentri and Jaci (my sweet cousins) helped my dad wash my hair, which was QUITE an experience let me just tell you... My dad had this fantastic idea of getting a garbage bag and cutting a hole in the bottom for my head, that way we could drape the bag over my body and it would cover me completely from the water to keep my gown and IV dry! Mainly my IV, because once they get an IV in this girls arm, we pray to God that it will last as long as it can because they are NOT EASY. My hair was successfully washed, and I was able to take another sponge bath in the shower, by myself this time:) Once I was dry and clothed, the rest of my family came to say goodbye. It was hard to see them go, my Nanalou and Pop, the girls, and my brother... Im so thankful they were able to make it down to see me... I couldn't have gotten through without them.
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Jentri and Jaci, I love these girls... Always making me smile:) |
After saying my sad goodbyes, my parents were off to take everyone to the air port, which left me here alone. I turned on my straightener, my toons, and i was off to making myself look normal again. I fixed up my hair, did my makeup, and sang my heart out to some good ol' Taylor Swift:) Im sure all the nurses in the hall thought i was doped up on morphine, but really, i was just enjoying doing something BY MYSELF. I ordered some grilled chicken salad and lemon cake for lunch, and now im here typing up my blog for the day:) Its so crazy how far the Lord has gotten me from just a few days ago when I could barley talk because of all the pain it caused me... And here I am now with makeup on my face writing to all you guys. Jesus is so good, and I cant wait to come home.

KISS KISS all the way from Dallas, Texas:)
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Hello World
Hey Howdy Hey Guys:)
Well, to start off this blog I just want to say THANKYOU for all of the texts I received from all you guys! I wasn't coherent enough to really do anything until this morning, and it was so fun to read sweet words from all of you:)
Well, as you all probably assumed, I did end up having surgery Wednesday night. All I can remember after surgery is waking up in EXTREME pain. Im pretty sure I was making WAY too much noise, and I guess they must have given me a ton of drugs to calm me down because I don't remember anything else after that. To be quite honest with you guys, I dont remember much of anything from the past 2 days. Drugs do some CRAZY things to ones mind.
Up until today, I havent been able to eat anything except for clear liquids, but this morning I was informed that I could eat solids! Needless to say, I was memorizing the hospital menu with my Pop early this morning at 4am... because the kitchen doesn't open until 7am... LOL I think I was the first one to call in my order:) Yey for breakfast food!
I do have a colostomy bag at the moment. I thought it was going to be hard for me to adjust to it, but really it has been the best thing that has happened to me since I have been sick. I dont have to worry about making it to the restroom, or having horrible urgency pain. And honestly, it doesnt gross me out at all! That was one of the main things I was worried about. I was so worried that it was going to gross me out too bad that I wouldnt even be able to touch it, but surprisingly, i've been the one that wants to show it to everyone that walks in my hospital room... most of the time ending up with a "ehh no thanks". Oh well:)
I feel really good today. I'm going to go on a little walk around the hospital with my physical therapy nurses, and right now i'm chatting with my sweet aunt Shan and Nanalou:) I do have a ton of bruises though! All up and down my arms... I think im going to tell people I fought a bear and won;) And besides the colostomy bag, I have 3 cuts in my belly, all which are very small. Im super happy about that as well... I had my dad take a picture of my belly before surgery, but im not looking forward to seeing that picture quite yet. :/
I still can't believe im going to have 2 more surgeries after this. This one took a lot out of me, but it seems like im recovering pretty well. Im ready to go home and heal up for my next surgery... And im ready to see all of you. Hospitals are SOOOOO boring, fortunately my family has come down to see me so it hasn't been too bad.
I hope this blog today is understandable. Im still on morphine, but i really wanted to give yall a little update on my health. Thankyou again for all the prayers and sweet texts and Facebook notes. That has brought me so much healing in itself, knowing that im loved and that people care:) Daddy Jesus has been right by my side through this whole thing, ive felt his presence through it all.
I will post an update again tomorrow... until then... BLESSINGS:)
Hey Howdy Hey Guys:)
Well, to start off this blog I just want to say THANKYOU for all of the texts I received from all you guys! I wasn't coherent enough to really do anything until this morning, and it was so fun to read sweet words from all of you:)
Well, as you all probably assumed, I did end up having surgery Wednesday night. All I can remember after surgery is waking up in EXTREME pain. Im pretty sure I was making WAY too much noise, and I guess they must have given me a ton of drugs to calm me down because I don't remember anything else after that. To be quite honest with you guys, I dont remember much of anything from the past 2 days. Drugs do some CRAZY things to ones mind.
Up until today, I havent been able to eat anything except for clear liquids, but this morning I was informed that I could eat solids! Needless to say, I was memorizing the hospital menu with my Pop early this morning at 4am... because the kitchen doesn't open until 7am... LOL I think I was the first one to call in my order:) Yey for breakfast food!
I do have a colostomy bag at the moment. I thought it was going to be hard for me to adjust to it, but really it has been the best thing that has happened to me since I have been sick. I dont have to worry about making it to the restroom, or having horrible urgency pain. And honestly, it doesnt gross me out at all! That was one of the main things I was worried about. I was so worried that it was going to gross me out too bad that I wouldnt even be able to touch it, but surprisingly, i've been the one that wants to show it to everyone that walks in my hospital room... most of the time ending up with a "ehh no thanks". Oh well:)
I feel really good today. I'm going to go on a little walk around the hospital with my physical therapy nurses, and right now i'm chatting with my sweet aunt Shan and Nanalou:) I do have a ton of bruises though! All up and down my arms... I think im going to tell people I fought a bear and won;) And besides the colostomy bag, I have 3 cuts in my belly, all which are very small. Im super happy about that as well... I had my dad take a picture of my belly before surgery, but im not looking forward to seeing that picture quite yet. :/
I still can't believe im going to have 2 more surgeries after this. This one took a lot out of me, but it seems like im recovering pretty well. Im ready to go home and heal up for my next surgery... And im ready to see all of you. Hospitals are SOOOOO boring, fortunately my family has come down to see me so it hasn't been too bad.
I hope this blog today is understandable. Im still on morphine, but i really wanted to give yall a little update on my health. Thankyou again for all the prayers and sweet texts and Facebook notes. That has brought me so much healing in itself, knowing that im loved and that people care:) Daddy Jesus has been right by my side through this whole thing, ive felt his presence through it all.
I will post an update again tomorrow... until then... BLESSINGS:)
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Surgery Time is Here
Hello once again all,
First and for most, thank you all for your prayers... it means the WORLD to me knowing that my brothers and sisters in Christ are asking Daddy Jesus to be with me during this hard time. Yesterday and last night were quite the events. We had done the second "pro-biotic" treatment Monday night, and immediately following I started to become very sick feeling, along with nausea and low grade fever. My parents wrote to the doctors down here at UT Southwestern, and Tuesday morning they respond to us. We were to fly to Dallas Tuesday, so they could make sure I was "ok" enough to have surgery. I was woken up by my mom that morning, letting me know the news, and off to packing we began. The flight down wasn't bad at all, and conveniently, the airport was only minutes away from the hospital. My body was doing fine, I felt great, and I couldn't wait to get the ball rollin':)
Finding my vein is always quite the task, and fortunately they had this AWESOME machine that was kind of like a sonogram, that could find my veins without me becoming a human pin cushion. I only had to be stuck 3 times, which is amazing. I had some dinner, and a little bit of yummy lemon cake, then things started to go down hill. Lots of pain in my stomach, AND I had started having blood in my stool. Unfortunately, due to the pain and frequent stops in the bathroom, last night wasn't the greatest of nights. Thank God they have morphine for me, or else I would be in extreme pain as we speak (and I promise i'm sane and coherent right now... no druggie here:P).
We talked with my surgeon at noon today, and he told us that surgery would be tonight... UNLESS there is not a room for me in the OR, then it would be tomorrow. He also told us that since I am at a higher risk because of the recent steroids I was on, along with my infusion to Remicad, that I will be having a 3 step surgery process instead of 2. I am not super excited about this, but I know in the long run, it will be a better deal.
This is where you guys come in. Pray that I will be able to have surgery tonight. We are afraid if they wait much longer to do surgery, that I will end up in a full blown flair. Also, as with any surgery, there are risk of complications. I am believing that our God is bigger than surgery, and not only is this surgery what He wants, but that this is how I am to be healed from this disease. Also, pray for my surgeons. I believe that the Lord is going to use THEIR hands in my healing process. I actually asked the anesthesiologist if I could be awake all the way up until I am in the surgery room. Why, you may ask? I am going to ask the surgeons if I could pray over their hands before they cut on me. And I cant wait to see their reaction when I am complication free and healing perfectly... All thanks to our Daddy Jesus:)
Needless to say, I am SO VERY EXCITED to get this diseased colon out of here! Thank you again for all of your support and prayers... and if you have ANY questions or words of wisdom, feel free to comment in the box below. I will be off and on all day today, and hopefully tonight, I will be having the long awaited surgery. Watch out world, this girl is about to get healed!
Hugs and KISSES
First and for most, thank you all for your prayers... it means the WORLD to me knowing that my brothers and sisters in Christ are asking Daddy Jesus to be with me during this hard time. Yesterday and last night were quite the events. We had done the second "pro-biotic" treatment Monday night, and immediately following I started to become very sick feeling, along with nausea and low grade fever. My parents wrote to the doctors down here at UT Southwestern, and Tuesday morning they respond to us. We were to fly to Dallas Tuesday, so they could make sure I was "ok" enough to have surgery. I was woken up by my mom that morning, letting me know the news, and off to packing we began. The flight down wasn't bad at all, and conveniently, the airport was only minutes away from the hospital. My body was doing fine, I felt great, and I couldn't wait to get the ball rollin':)
Finding my vein is always quite the task, and fortunately they had this AWESOME machine that was kind of like a sonogram, that could find my veins without me becoming a human pin cushion. I only had to be stuck 3 times, which is amazing. I had some dinner, and a little bit of yummy lemon cake, then things started to go down hill. Lots of pain in my stomach, AND I had started having blood in my stool. Unfortunately, due to the pain and frequent stops in the bathroom, last night wasn't the greatest of nights. Thank God they have morphine for me, or else I would be in extreme pain as we speak (and I promise i'm sane and coherent right now... no druggie here:P).
We talked with my surgeon at noon today, and he told us that surgery would be tonight... UNLESS there is not a room for me in the OR, then it would be tomorrow. He also told us that since I am at a higher risk because of the recent steroids I was on, along with my infusion to Remicad, that I will be having a 3 step surgery process instead of 2. I am not super excited about this, but I know in the long run, it will be a better deal.
This is where you guys come in. Pray that I will be able to have surgery tonight. We are afraid if they wait much longer to do surgery, that I will end up in a full blown flair. Also, as with any surgery, there are risk of complications. I am believing that our God is bigger than surgery, and not only is this surgery what He wants, but that this is how I am to be healed from this disease. Also, pray for my surgeons. I believe that the Lord is going to use THEIR hands in my healing process. I actually asked the anesthesiologist if I could be awake all the way up until I am in the surgery room. Why, you may ask? I am going to ask the surgeons if I could pray over their hands before they cut on me. And I cant wait to see their reaction when I am complication free and healing perfectly... All thanks to our Daddy Jesus:)
Needless to say, I am SO VERY EXCITED to get this diseased colon out of here! Thank you again for all of your support and prayers... and if you have ANY questions or words of wisdom, feel free to comment in the box below. I will be off and on all day today, and hopefully tonight, I will be having the long awaited surgery. Watch out world, this girl is about to get healed!
Hugs and KISSES
Monday, November 5, 2012
Welcome to my Life
Hello all,
So I decided to start a blog... Yessssir! And where do I begin? I read many blogs, and all of them are so witty or intelligent, that I feel the motivation to be just as good as those great blogs... I guess we will see how this goes:)
To start off, I encourage you all to go and read my post on ihaveuc.com. I will post the link below. Basically, I tell my story of the very beginnings of this dreaded disease called Ulcerative Colitus, all the way up to where I am today. I have strong faith this is the end of this road for me, and i'm looking forward to becoming a "halfway" normal person again!
I am currently still at work, and I am so blessed to have the job that I do. There are many days I am unable to come to work, due to the disease or dr. appointments, and my job is extremely flexible with me. Its been such a blessing, because Lord knows I would go insane if I had to sit at home all day everyday. Im too much of a "get up and go Go GO" type gal.
My plan is to start school back up in the spring. Its hard to see all of my college friends having fun at school and doing crazy things, when most days I'm blessed to be at work and feeling good enough to hand out money all day long. Im ready to hate homework again, and to fear a test or quiz... its funny how the things you dislike most in life, are the things you tend to miss once they are gone. I guess its the sense of "normalness" that I am looking forward to once again.
This past weekend was my first EVER to lead worship for the sweet 5th and 6th graders up at my home church, Trinity Fellowship Church. Im use to leading the 1st-4th grade, so I was nervous to be leading a group older. When leading younger kids, I have learned that you can "mommy" them as much as you want, and everything is ok because of how young they are. But once they switch from 4th grade to 5th, there are many things that change in them, and no longer can you "mommy" them. Its a challenge to now become their "buddy". I made friends with many of them, in turn gaining respect. Holy Spirit was so sweet to show up to our worship, and I pray many lives were touched.
I dont have much more to say as of now, but again I encourage you to go and read my blog at ihaveuc.com. The Lord is about to do some big things in my life, especially in my body, and I can't wait to share with you all His goodness and love:)
Blessings folks!
So I decided to start a blog... Yessssir! And where do I begin? I read many blogs, and all of them are so witty or intelligent, that I feel the motivation to be just as good as those great blogs... I guess we will see how this goes:)
To start off, I encourage you all to go and read my post on ihaveuc.com. I will post the link below. Basically, I tell my story of the very beginnings of this dreaded disease called Ulcerative Colitus, all the way up to where I am today. I have strong faith this is the end of this road for me, and i'm looking forward to becoming a "halfway" normal person again!
I am currently still at work, and I am so blessed to have the job that I do. There are many days I am unable to come to work, due to the disease or dr. appointments, and my job is extremely flexible with me. Its been such a blessing, because Lord knows I would go insane if I had to sit at home all day everyday. Im too much of a "get up and go Go GO" type gal.
My plan is to start school back up in the spring. Its hard to see all of my college friends having fun at school and doing crazy things, when most days I'm blessed to be at work and feeling good enough to hand out money all day long. Im ready to hate homework again, and to fear a test or quiz... its funny how the things you dislike most in life, are the things you tend to miss once they are gone. I guess its the sense of "normalness" that I am looking forward to once again.
This past weekend was my first EVER to lead worship for the sweet 5th and 6th graders up at my home church, Trinity Fellowship Church. Im use to leading the 1st-4th grade, so I was nervous to be leading a group older. When leading younger kids, I have learned that you can "mommy" them as much as you want, and everything is ok because of how young they are. But once they switch from 4th grade to 5th, there are many things that change in them, and no longer can you "mommy" them. Its a challenge to now become their "buddy". I made friends with many of them, in turn gaining respect. Holy Spirit was so sweet to show up to our worship, and I pray many lives were touched.
I dont have much more to say as of now, but again I encourage you to go and read my blog at ihaveuc.com. The Lord is about to do some big things in my life, especially in my body, and I can't wait to share with you all His goodness and love:)
Blessings folks!
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