Hello once again all,
First and for most, thank you all for your prayers... it means the WORLD to me knowing that my brothers and sisters in Christ are asking Daddy Jesus to be with me during this hard time. Yesterday and last night were quite the events. We had done the second "pro-biotic" treatment Monday night, and immediately following I started to become very sick feeling, along with nausea and low grade fever. My parents wrote to the doctors down here at UT Southwestern, and Tuesday morning they respond to us. We were to fly to Dallas Tuesday, so they could make sure I was "ok" enough to have surgery. I was woken up by my mom that morning, letting me know the news, and off to packing we began. The flight down wasn't bad at all, and conveniently, the airport was only minutes away from the hospital. My body was doing fine, I felt great, and I couldn't wait to get the ball rollin':)
Finding my vein is always quite the task, and fortunately they had this AWESOME machine that was kind of like a sonogram, that could find my veins without me becoming a human pin cushion. I only had to be stuck 3 times, which is amazing. I had some dinner, and a little bit of yummy lemon cake, then things started to go down hill. Lots of pain in my stomach, AND I had started having blood in my stool. Unfortunately, due to the pain and frequent stops in the bathroom, last night wasn't the greatest of nights. Thank God they have morphine for me, or else I would be in extreme pain as we speak (and I promise i'm sane and coherent right now... no druggie here:P).
We talked with my surgeon at noon today, and he told us that surgery would be tonight... UNLESS there is not a room for me in the OR, then it would be tomorrow. He also told us that since I am at a higher risk because of the recent steroids I was on, along with my infusion to Remicad, that I will be having a 3 step surgery process instead of 2. I am not super excited about this, but I know in the long run, it will be a better deal.
This is where you guys come in. Pray that I will be able to have surgery tonight. We are afraid if they wait much longer to do surgery, that I will end up in a full blown flair. Also, as with any surgery, there are risk of complications. I am believing that our God is bigger than surgery, and not only is this surgery what He wants, but that this is how I am to be healed from this disease. Also, pray for my surgeons. I believe that the Lord is going to use THEIR hands in my healing process. I actually asked the anesthesiologist if I could be awake all the way up until I am in the surgery room. Why, you may ask? I am going to ask the surgeons if I could pray over their hands before they cut on me. And I cant wait to see their reaction when I am complication free and healing perfectly... All thanks to our Daddy Jesus:)
Needless to say, I am SO VERY EXCITED to get this diseased colon out of here! Thank you again for all of your support and prayers... and if you have ANY questions or words of wisdom, feel free to comment in the box below. I will be off and on all day today, and hopefully tonight, I will be having the long awaited surgery. Watch out world, this girl is about to get healed!
Hugs and KISSES
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